CALL 911 - IF YOU ARE IN IMMEDIATE DANGER - of harming someone else or yourself - or call the following for non-emergencies:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline 800.799.2333
(24 HOURS)
or the Teen Domestic Violence Hotline 866.331.9474
Domestic Violence services in Sacramento.
Family Justice Center in Sacramento offers free services to any victim of Domestic Violence--website = address; Family Court House, Room 112
3341 Power Inn Road, Sacramento, CA. 95826
Phone: 916-875-HOPE (4673)
Email: - Support services for all victims of Domestic Violence To serve Asian and Pacific Islander and other underserved women and children impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
Mental Health link: Services | Transforming Lives, Cultivating Success
Jobs: Find Jobs, Careers, and Employees | Sacramento Works
Free construction job training for probationers: NCCT | Northern California Construction Training
Education: Elk Grove Adult and Community Education
STUDY : The effects of a short-term batterer treatment program for detained arrestees: A randomized experiment in the Sacramento County, California Jail (download pdf)
Batterer intervention providers, mental health professionals, and research scholars dedicated to evidence-based practice worldwide Website:
Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
San Francisco Bay Area - Effective Batterers' Treatment Program using the Man Alive Model - Men Creating Peace in Oakland, California. Copy and paste the following link into your browser:
Visit: for Information and Support to address Sexual Violence